#saimdang light's diary
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fansof-heo · 2 months ago
Heo is in Saimdang, Light's Diary?
Yes, he's in 3 episodes 😊
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kpop-nopsd · 5 years ago
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like or reblog if use or save ♡
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zokexx · 5 years ago
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사임당, 빛의 일기 / E6
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egy-dorama-fan-naploja · 6 years ago
Doramák, amiket láttam - Saimdang, Light's Diary 2017.
A képe:
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Seo Ji-Yoon / Lee Young-Ae / professzor szeretne lenni, és segédje a művészettörténész profnak Min Jung-Hak / Choi Jong-Hwan /, aki azt állította, hogy az egyik híres festmény az eredeti, de ahogy Ji-Yoon megkapta a felhatalmazást, hogy megvizsgálja, észrevette, hogy nem stimmel minden a képpel... Viszont beszélni nem tudott a proffal, így bemutatásra került a kép a sajtó és az egyetem előtt, ekkor jelent meg az egyik diák Han Sang-Hyun / Yang Se-Jong /, nyíltan kifejezte a nem tetszését, hiszen csupán egy másolat volt a kép, és Ji-Yoon is egyet értett ezzel, és ezzel hatalmas botrány tört ki - neten is.
A prof kirúgatta Ji-Yoont, miután Olaszországba repültek. A nő elkeseredett volt nagyon, egy olasz férfitól kapott egy nagyon régi naplót, és tádáámm Shin Saimdang / Lee Young-Ae / naplója volt. Amiben megemlítette az eredeti festményt, így nyomozni kezdtek a kép után. Egy szerelmi történet derült ki a naplóból, hogy Saimdang szerelmes volt Lee Gyeom hercegbe / Song Seung-Heon /. Gyerekkori szerelem volt az övék, mindketten művészek voltak. Azonban Saimdang, hogy megvédje Gyeomot feleségül ment máshoz és visszautasította a fiút. Aki évtizedekig csak rá tudott gondolni. 
Saimdang egy mészárlásnak volt a tanúja, és úgy hitte az évek során, hogy az ő hibája volt, hiszen lemásolt egy elég fontos festményt és ajándékba adta az egyik kislánynak, valamint a király versének egy részletét is ráírta, amit az apja kapott elismerésként. A mészárlásról a fogadós lánya, Whieumdang Choi / Oh Yoon-Ah / mentette meg, aki eközben szerelmes volt Gyeomba, így nem adta át Saimdang apjának a levelét a fiúnak, miben megmagyarázta a lányának a házasságát. Gyeomot megölték volna, ha nem ment volna férjhez Saimdang.
Viszont rossz férfihoz ment feleségül, végig ő hordta a nadrágot és 5 gyerekük született. Az apja halála után visszatért a szülőfalujába, és ismét találkozott Gyeommal. Csapni kezdte neki a szelet és ott segíteni neki, ahol csak tudott. Saimdang az évek alatt soha többé nem festett, viszont el kellett tartania a gyerekeit, így hajléktalanokkal papírt kezdtek gyártani. Choi is ezt akarta, sőt az egyik politikus felesége lett, Min Chi-Hyung / Choi Cheol-Ho / elég nagy ellensége volt Gyeomnak, viszont fiút szült neki így a felesége lett. Choi ott akarta hátráltatni Saimdangot, ahol csak tudta. Sikeresen tudott Saimdang papírt előállítani és eladni is. A király pedig megbízta őt, mint NŐT!!! hogy fesse meg a portéját. Ez hatalmas nagy dolog volt, és a férfiak ellenezték nagyon.
Árulás miatt börtönbe került Chi-Hyung, a japánokkal szövetkezett, és majdnem meghaltak Gyeomék is. Később meghalt, az árulása miatt Choi is börtönbe került, a gyerekit Saimdangra bízta. A király enyhén megkattant és ki akarta végeztetni Gyeomot, viszont sikerült Saimdangnak megszöktetnie Olaszországba, ahol élete végéig élhet. Valamint a halálon túl is várta az ő szerelmét. Olaszország Ji-Yoon ötlete volt. Saimdang reinkarnációja volt, totál úgy nézett ki, mint ő és néha látta a múltat, így tudott haladni a való életben. Saimdang Gyeom megszöktetése után a gyerekeivel élt és sikeres nő lett. A férje viszont léha alak volt, megcsalta őt sőt meg is próbálta kisemmizni, hogy a szeretőjének is jusson a jóból, hiszen felcsinálta... A pofám leszakad komolyan... 
Ji-Yoon férjének a cégét a galéria és a cég a csődbe juttatta, így elkezdett nyomozni és segíteni a feleségének, még a válást is felajánlotta neki, miután mindenüket elvesztették. Sang-Hyun fordította le a nőnek a naplót valamint a barátnője restaurálta azt és a festményt is. Így rátaláltak az igazi festményre és nagy megpróbáltatások árán de be tudták mutatni a sajtónak, egy hamisítványokat lebuktató szervezet, a Rade segítségével - később Ji-Yoon nekik kezdett dolgozni :P Börtönbe került a prof és a galéria tulaja is.
Ji-Yoon Olaszországba ment megint, hogy Saimdang lelke békére leljen Gyeommal, sőt a jelenkori reinkarnációja is ott volt - azt vártam, hogy összejönnek, hogy a múltban, de nem... csak egy képet készített róla, hiszen fotós volt, és ennyi. A férjével, a fiával és az anyósával normális házba tudtak költözni.
A táj gyönyörű volt, akárcsak a festmények! És a versek :P
John Donne: “Két lelkünk egy marad, ha mennem is kell, egybe-van, tágul inkább, de nem szakad, mint légiessé vert arany.”
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tivitime · 7 years ago
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081098 · 7 years ago
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swordsandparasols · 7 years ago
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Saimdang: Light’s Diary, ep 26
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triangularlily · 8 years ago
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Saimdang Light’s Diary Episode 24
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plsy96 · 8 years ago
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wonder-fx · 8 years ago
@the-feminine-grotesque :  woah what happened pls tell me! i put it from on hold to dropped a while ago simply cuz i knew i'd never have time but i did like to know what happened but no one was recapping it either...do tell
Nothing major happened to my knowledge. My disappointment doesn’t come from a single development etc. in the the show. I don’t know how to convey this properly. Lee Young Ae is one of my favorite actresses because Sympathy for Lady Vengeance is my favorite film of all time. I study art history in college and focus on Chinese, Japanese and Korean art, specifically Buddhist art from these countries. I also like to focus my projects within these fields on women artists. This show was MADE FOR ME. When I heard about this drama in the beginning of 2016... I honestly don’t think I was as excited for a show as S*imdang. Ever.
So when I watched the first 2 episodes, I really enjoyed it! But as the show went on, it drifted away from her life as an artist. I wanted the show that focused on her career. I don’t want a show about her shitty husband and selfish kids. Of course, these are people who were major parts of her life, but they cause unneeded hardships that turn her into a “can endure everything” saintly character I don’t care for! The pacing and switching between the time lines was clunky. It dragged and despite my investment, after weeks of it being on hold, I had to be honest with myself and drop it which I did last night. Hence the mini rant. 
I’m probably coming off as incredibly dramatic but this was a drama I was really looking forward to. It had everything I could have ever wanted but it didn’t come through for me personally. I know other people are enjoying it.
I hope this clears stuff up!
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kdramafy · 4 years ago
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fansof-heo · 1 year ago
Have you seen Saimdang, Light's Diary?
Yes I have
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smittenskitten · 8 years ago
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Day 3:  40 + up, women in stories you adored
Lee Young-Ae (46) as Shin Saimdang & Seo Ji-Yoon
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banghae · 8 years ago
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“Who are you?!”
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exit68-blog · 8 years ago
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Saimdang: Light’s Diary, episode 6.
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dramacravings · 8 years ago
saimdaaaaaaaaaaaaang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this writer fucking respects and centers women. young saimdang’s love of art, poetry, education, and travel drives her story forward even as she receives an equally compelling romantic storyline with a well-matched, caring partner who likes, respects, and supports her. modern seo ji yoon’s storyline is driven by her love of research, education, and an appreciation for art and history, and she receives undivided attention for those qualities even as a woman who is a mother and a wife. even the existence of her family and her role within her family–as a wife, mother, and daughter-in-law–was all initially part of a deal with her husband that would allow her to follow her passions and study as an adult (which puts a whole other spin on the politics of gender, labor, wealth, and marriage to add to questions asked in dramas like we married as a job and secret love affair).
[this got away from me and it’s a poorly articulated mess. now you know.]
in addition to these great lead female characters, the two women are surrounded by men and women alike who all play a role in driving the story forward, no matter their station or position in society–(an audience member posing a question to a professor’s assistant at a conference, a poor young woman learning to read, etc.). even the smallest details from episode four’s sageuk setting warmed my uptight, neurotic little heart. small things like household leaders listening in on and getting information from female servants, another young female servant (choi hwieum dang) is explicitly given a certain complexity, specific interests, and desires outside of her station and outside of her interest in saimdang’s boyfriend (i’m not even calling him a mc at this point bc…he’s not really a lead yet (i love this)). she teaches herself to read and write in the dirt, and has an appreciation for art herself. not only is there a consciousness of class in the similarities and differences between saimdang and hwieum dang–what interests they’re able to cultivate, what lives and loves they’re able to live, despite both being talented and driven–but the script actively engages you in hwieum dang’s pov, her desires, pain, and motivations. the writer (PARK EUN RYUNG) absolutely does not demonize or make her seems small or petty in her actions, even centering her narrative and pain in a moment with the male lead in which he seems distant and selfish, and what would be a moment to write off the second female love interest as clingy or selfish in another inferior drama. idk, what i’m trying to say is, in another drama you would have to read between the lines to appreciate her or not be a little annoyed by her (exaggerated) actions but this drama takes her so seriously, there’s no need to read between the lines bc the writer actually sees her as a whole person and not a(n explicitly female) lazy plot device to add drama to the story. even her feelings for saimdang’s boyfriend are complex and you have to (have to!) wonder where her own motivations and desires for him lie. he’s handsome, kind to the poor such as herself, engages her mind, but she isn’t getting that kind of attention from anyone else, and in the moment when she most needs his help he dismisses her. they’re from different worlds. it’s unfair, and she wants revenge for the unfairness of her life, for what little his or siamdang’s kindness can even be worth in her situation. i can’t wait to see where life takes her. can. not. wait.
shortly after this incident between hwieum dang and sd’s boyfriend, saimdang’s parents are trying to protect her life (not her honor) and there were just a few details that seemed strange to me bc we don’t usually get this level of awareness in drama characters, especially female characters and /especially/ female characters who aren’t leads. saimdang’s mother is afforded basic reasoning skills and notices an intruder’s messy footprints in their home even as her husband tries not to alert her to him, rather than being ~completely oblivious~ to what was going on and probably messing everything up bc of her ignorance, which is something we see a lot in other dramas and WOMEN are often the ones who get scapegoated for this lazy writing. and THEN (this made the whole thing even better), saimdang overhears her parents’ conversation in front of the intruder, meaning she isn’t kept in the dark re what what’s going on (with /her/ life), what direction the story is going in. the story isn’t moving ahead without her understanding of the larger motivations–essentially, why she won’t be able to marry her boyfriend. not only does the drama respect its women but it respects the audience and doesn’t write in stupid shit, like driving plot lines forward with character ignorance or misunderstandings. idk, i feel really weird focusing on like, her mother making a correct inference about a situation, but this really does feel very generous (and so, so thoughtful) for a supporting, older female character. maybe it’s just me but these details really get to me, i don’t think i’m making up how scarce the existence of something as small as this is in other dramas.
go hye jung, seo ji yoon’s independent, caring, smart scientist friend and colleague, also a servant (lady-in-waiting type) of saimdang’s in the past, even presents interesting parallels and highlights how women’s roles have shifted from joseon to korean society (a significant period of time yes, but not in the same forward moving progressive ideology we’re often faced with). these women play similar roles in the past and present, though we haven’t seen contemporary or older sageuk choi hwieun dang yet. a lot has changed, and yet certain details retain similar threads. we see both saimdang and ji yoon marrying as part of a deliberate negotiation they made in order to get what they want in life beyond love or financial security, specifically. young saimdang’s naive love and potential marriage match is on the surface very sweet and based on mutual attraction, while at the same time saimdang’s ability to fulfill her dreams hinges on her boyfriend whatshisname’s decision to follow through on the promises he’s made. saimdang really can’t travel without him as her escort, which soon becomes apparent when saimdang is nearly killed traveling to the buddhist temple in the mountains. ofc this trip was one she took herself and the situation that resulted was in part driven by hwieum dang, who did not deliver saimdang’s message asking her boyfriend to escort her to the mountain. he doesn’t show up and saimdang and hwieum dang go to the mountain together where they’re both injured. later, the whole household gathers to protect and heal saimdang while hwieum dang, who saved saimdang’s life, is only chastised for being absent all day and told to get back to work, her wounds ignored. this sequence of scenes to and from the mountain is focused on hwieum dang
in the present, ji yoon’s ability to follow her passion can still be given or taken away by the men in her life–namely her husband and the professor, but also in a way her son, whose presence greatly influences where her energy is spent and how she negotiates her home life and her career. here we see how her mother-in-law plays a role in this, thinking the best of her son and acting in a way that her daughter-in-law did not want to tell her about a trip abroad for work where she wouldn’t be able to take care of her son, yet she still admires and treats her daughter-in-law well. meanwhile, go hye jung, her colleague and friend has a very different experience as a modern woman than she had as a servant to saimdang. she is a scientist/lab tech/idk at a university (or some other lab?), she lives on her own in an apartment, helps saimdang solve mysteries re her research, and while we don’t (yet, hopefully,) see a lot of her life outside of saimdang (and she is sometimes stereotyped as a fat female character, more so as a servant in the past than in the future), we are able to contrast how ji yoon’s alliance with her husband and professor have have allowed her to do more than hye jung, in theory, but that those privileges come with strings that can close and open doors to ji yoon depending on how she behaves, how these men choose to react to her behavior based on their own often selfish needs and desires, which are all more complex than we initially get to see, but ji yoon is still the one paying the price and bearing much of the burden for the political and financial situations our characters find themselves in. and STILL ji yoon is the lead and it’s not all about how she suffers, still the story is about the mystery and the life of another woman, saimdang, that drives her forward and motivates her to get through the difficulties of her life. i’m bawling about it. it’s too good.
even the men are interesting and complex without these details concealing or excusing their flaws OR allowing their stories to take precedent over the women’s stories. saimdang’s boyfriend isn’t one dimensional or just handsome but neither are we required to disengage from saimdang in order to understand him or his motivations (bc he’s not the lead–i know he’s a lead but, i’ll believe it when i see it lol). he and saimdang share a love for art and poetry, yet we see more of his interest in saimdang bc saimdang’s interests and future are prioritized. when the king/prime minister(?) comes to see who gyeom is in love with (boyfriend’s name is gyeom! i remember now), his majesty meets saimdang on his own–we only know second-hand that gyeom has spoken to others about her. here, saimdang’s interaction with this man is prioritized, NOT gyeom’s account of saimdang to him.
a lot of this shit is just basic taking-all-of-your-characters-seriously and i’m annoyed that women can write woman-centric stories with equal gender ratios, prioritize women’s narratives, and STILL write men as three-dimensional human beings, but men can’t do the same. i should be used to it by now but the fact that it isn’t surprising doesn’t make it any less fucking annoying. whatever. but i mean…there are men writing politically rebellious poetry to each other and crying about it (i was moved lol) in this drama and you’d never see women doing this with the same level of care in another drama. you just don’t. whatever though! you all already know this. /i/ know this. i’ll shut up now, but i had to mention the rebellious poetry and the crying.
anyway. saimdang is an island of its own in dramaland right now. i’ve read some comments that the first two episodes weren’t really grabbing people but i had the opposite reaction. slice-of-life/drama is my favorite drama category, but it’s rare that we see a story with fantastical or political or mystery elements that really explores the lives of women like this and i couldn’t help but be drawn in by that. not /only/ that though, bc i think the story is smart and well-paced and engaging as well, and i love how the past/present parallels are being drawn, which is often pretty messy or not compelling in other dramas that try to do something similar. i’m considering checking out tomorrow with you but i just can’t imagine being as moved by lee je hoon’s time travel adventures with His Wife, who i’m anticipating will be more of a motivating factor for the male lead’s emotional development and his actions but i’ll be happy if i’m proven wrong. i do know that other writers and dramas appreciate women, it’s just been a long three-month drama dry spell, and a long year, and i needed this drama rn. i love saimdang / light’s diary / the herstory / memory of colors. kimyoungkwang seokangjoon gongyoo leedongwook flowerknights janghyuk yeonwoojin namgoongmin jisung rebelthiefguy and leejehoon can get the fuck IN LINE where they belong, as far as i’m concerned.
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